Daily Blog #99: Blogmas Day Two- Thankfulness, NaNoWriMo completion, and being sick

Sunday Evening  Greetings and salutations, dearest blog readers. This morning, I woke up very sick. My mom is still in town, so we hung out, but instead of the mall and lunch as planned, we went to the Buddhist tea room out in the suburbs that she used to go to when she lived here, …

Continue reading Daily Blog #99: Blogmas Day Two- Thankfulness, NaNoWriMo completion, and being sick

Thanksgiving Prep, also, Happy Thanksgiving! Or, Happy Day I hope is awesome!

Wednesday Greetings and Salutations, Blog Readers! Today is Wednesday and we are diving into all my Thanksgiving prep...And due to the grocery shopping being so crazy, we are leaving blogger limbo bit and entering into a more live blogging style of blogging where I blog as I go along, prepping. I have done very little, …

Continue reading Thanksgiving Prep, also, Happy Thanksgiving! Or, Happy Day I hope is awesome!

Daily Blog #95: Monday of Holiday Prep, dry brining a turkey, all while in blogger limbo.

The weird limbo between posting the content people need the day it should drop for it to be topical, and sticking to your usual "in the moment: style.  Meet: Abbi's planned chaos. This is the blog that needs to go up on Monday morning, to outline the Monday Prep I do for Thanksgiving, and also …

Continue reading Daily Blog #95: Monday of Holiday Prep, dry brining a turkey, all while in blogger limbo.